
Monday 26 January 2009

26th January - Oriental theme

Hello everyone..

Thank you to each and every one of you who have entered the Challenge last week.. we will be taking a look over the next few days for our new Design Team members... so keep your eyes open on the blog for the announcement.

Onto this week's challenge, and we are testing you.. we would like you to come up with an Oriental theme to your cards.

This doesn't mean you have to use oriental papers, you can just use items associated with it... for example, the colours ie. red, black and gold. Or even a shape, symbol .. anything really.

Here are the DT entries this week to give you some inspiration..

we look forward to seeing all your entries.






Go on then everyone... get them chopsticks out and start crafting...


Monday 19 January 2009

19th January - Ribbon Challenge

Hi everyone.

This week's challenge is all about Ribbons and has been set by me.. Jo !
I absolutely love ribbons, and have quite a large, varied collection of types, colours and patterns. So, it seemed appropriate that I should set my challenge around this theme. I hope you enjoy it.
Here are the DT cards for this week.
Don't forget... we are also on the lookout for
a new Designer to join the team.. so what are you waiting for?
Let's get going....

Monday 12 January 2009

12th January - The ATC Challenge.

Hi everyone.
This is the first post from me this year, so I personally wanted to wish you all a very happy 2009. Thank you all for making this Challenge Blog as successful as it has become. I am sure over this year, the blog will go from strength to strength with your help.
So. Onto the challenge for this week, and as you can see, it's to make an ATC.
If you feel that this challenge isn't for you, just imagine it as a decorative topper for a card! The size you need to make it is the size of a playing card, 2 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 inches. But don't worry if it's slightly larger or smaller than this, we are not going to come and bring our tape measures.. Haha..
Here are some DT samples.

See..... it's as easy as that!
Next week, I am announcing my own personal Challenge to you all, and over the coming months, so will the other Designers on this blog. There will also be a chance to win a place on the Design Team..
For now, take care, and happy Crafting!

Monday 5 January 2009

Welcome to 2009!

A huge Happy New Year to all of you!
Here's hoping that 2009 brings you all the health and happiness that you could wish for.
Are you all ready to start this years first challenge?
Let's get craftin'
The theme for this week is......... your favourite colour!
Make us a project using your favourite colour.....

Here are a few from the Design Team to show you....... guess what the most common colour was!?
This one is from Katy - favourite colour........ pink
This one is from Emma - favourite
This one is from Donna - favourite colour...........pinkAre you seeing a theme here! lol.
This one is from Nikki - favourite colour............ purple! I just had to be different!
We have lots of great themes and challenges planned over the new few months, along with the chance to be a guest DT member for a few weeks.......... keep popping back to see what we are up to.
Remember to post us a link to your blog so that we can go and visit and see what you have made.

Happy craftin'

Nikki x