
Monday 12 January 2009

12th January - The ATC Challenge.

Hi everyone.
This is the first post from me this year, so I personally wanted to wish you all a very happy 2009. Thank you all for making this Challenge Blog as successful as it has become. I am sure over this year, the blog will go from strength to strength with your help.
So. Onto the challenge for this week, and as you can see, it's to make an ATC.
If you feel that this challenge isn't for you, just imagine it as a decorative topper for a card! The size you need to make it is the size of a playing card, 2 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 inches. But don't worry if it's slightly larger or smaller than this, we are not going to come and bring our tape measures.. Haha..
Here are some DT samples.

See..... it's as easy as that!
Next week, I am announcing my own personal Challenge to you all, and over the coming months, so will the other Designers on this blog. There will also be a chance to win a place on the Design Team..
For now, take care, and happy Crafting!


Powerful Search Engine said...

Hi here is my ATC Thank you for looking! Pascale :)

Hazel (Didos) said...

Hi ALl, I have made 2 ATC's. I had made one of them last night and the othe rthis afternoon. Hazel xox My ATC's

Wendy said...

Great DT Atc's

Here is my Atc.

Kim. said...

Hi I decided on a topper as I have never made an ATC before so here it is on my new blog I only made yesterday. Kim xXx
Kim's Card Corner

Rachael said...

I had never made an atc before so i was a good excuse to try lol Some great dt atc's!!! Here is my Entry. thanks!!! love rach xxx

Pam said...
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Pam said...

Great DT work! This is my first ever atc. Here it is! Love Pam

Poppy said...

Great DT atc's

Here are my atc's

deifen said...

Wow -great work dt.I really did find this challenging as I'm not used to making anything so small!!
Here's my atc

Tammi said...

The DT ATC's are adorable, thanks for the inspiration! Here’s mine.
Hugs, Tammi

Happy Crafter said...

Hi all, First ATC i have ever made:)
Your DT's creations are fab and its a great challenge loved doing it :0)
Hereis my ATC.
Thanks for looking, hope you like it :)
Val xxx

pinky said...

Hi all, just wondering did this challenge end on Friday or does it run till Sunday?

Annette said...
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Annette said...

Not sure if this is still going, but i wanted to give it a try any way. I don't know how these html links work so i hope i've done mine ok.

here it is

Unknown said... i find this Blog... just in Minute... I've not forever friends stamps.... but i buy now... They are so nice.. lovely... and your Challenge Blog... so ist..I#m so happy.. to find...

hugs Moni

P.S sorry for my bad english...