
Wednesday 4 July 2012

WINNER & FAVOURITE June challenge !

So its another challenge come to a close !
We are wizzing through the months !! Where has the year gone ????

We loved all your cards, it really is inspirational seeing everyone work !

So the DT choice for the F/F Favourite is 
Congratulations !!!
Email me at to get your prize !!

You also get the chance to be a GDT just email us !

Here is the F/F Favourite badge for you to wear with pride on your blog !

The randomly chosen winner is

Congratulations !! 
Email me at !!

Here is your badge to wear with pride on your blog !!

Well, tomorrow is our new challenge !! For those of you on Facebook did you guess the theme !!! lol !
The next Fortnightly challenge wasn't hard to guess either !!! lol

Watch out for our July give away .............. also remember,
If we get 100 "likes" on Facebook we have a give away !!! Go "like" us !!! 
We want to hear from you and see your cards ! 

Hugs from Lizzie and the team !

1 comment:

Cards made by Patricia said...

Wow! I've been chosen to FF Favourite.
